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Jul 23, 2021
Where Have all the Variable Annuity Providers Gone? | LifeHealthPro
In this article by Maria Wood, we discuss potential reasons why variable annuity companies are leaving the business, and what that may...
Jul 23, 2021
What's on the menu? Working with [price conscious] clients - InvestmentNews
Here is a piece CFA is quoted in describing our menu approach to planning. I prefer the term price conscious, as being cost aware when...
Jul 23, 2021
In the Media: How non-working spouses can continue retirement savings
Here is a piece by Carolyn Bigda of the Chicago Tribune which covers the spousal IRA, which allows couples to contribute to an IRA...
Jul 23, 2021
CFA Participates in FPA's Pro Bono Money Makeover
CFA was asked to prepare a makeover for 'Sara', an amazingly positive and dedicated single mother of four trying to get caught up on her...
Jul 23, 2021
Tips of a Successful Meeting with a New Financial Advisor
Suzanne Cole's piece at e-rollover includes some great tips from advisors on how to have a successful first encounter.
Jul 23, 2021
In the Media: Inflation Expectations
Cathie Gandel's article contains good advice on measuring and investing for inflation:
Jul 23, 2021
In the Media: Diversification defiance: All your eggs in one basket?
Here is an article by Chris Taylor at Reuters about investors who choose not to diversify and gamble heavily with their investments on...
Jul 23, 2021
In the Media: What Happened to My Free Checking?
Free checking hasn't disappeared entirely, but many have found the fees and penalties have increased over the last few years. Here is a...
Jul 23, 2021
In the Media: Deflation's a mixed bag for consumers Diary of a Recession Baby - MarketWatch
Here is a great piece I was able to contribute to by Ruth Mantell regarding the ways deflation can be harmful, and how people can act in...
Jul 23, 2021
WSJ - When Times Get Tough, Talk It Out
Below is excerpted from a great piece by Ruth Mantell on the importance of communication during a financial crisis. Head to the Wall...
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